Thursday, April 17, 2014

Philosopher's World Cup? An oldie, but a classic

I found myself watching this old Monty Python skit today, and thought I should pass it along.  This is still as funny as it ever was.  For those of you who took my philosophy course (or others who have interesting reading habits) you should recognize some of the names in here.

If you find yourself bored with the first minute or so, keep watching: Karl Marx warming up on the sideline - in a red jumpsuit - is worth all of your patience.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

HYPE made it to the Huffington Post!

So, this is kind of a big deal.  Dr. Dan Butin, the dean of education at Merrimack College, was the featured guest speaker at this year's HYPE event last month.  You can read his thoughts leading in to the event here, which were posted to the Huffington Post.  We made the big time!

HYPE 2014 Mini Documentary has been released!

Below you can view the short film made about this year's HYPE Day event at the University of New Hampshire, Durham.  This video was recently shared with all NH State Superintendent's by Souhegan and Spaulding student leaders.  Hopefully they spread the word, and we can have an event that is bigger and better next year! Do you think we can hit 500 students?

HYPE Day 2014 Flyer

The official flyer for HYPE Day 2014 can be found here.  We discussed the question "What is Love?" last month at the University of New Hampshire with 400 of our friends.

This webpage is live!

I'm officially entering into uncharted territory! This page will, hopefully, be a place where my students can go to find resources, links, discussion topics, current events, and my personal musings.  Feel free to experiment with the material on here, and give me your feedback (please)! If you have an idea for how to make this better, I want to hear it.

I'm planning on putting up materials for the classes I teach, the Philosophy Club, as well as our H.Y.P.E. (Hosting Young Philosophy Enthusiasts) Day annual events.

Feel free to post in the comments below, or stop by room 303 and let me know in person.

This is going live for the last quarter of Spring semester, so to all of my current students: Good luck, work hard, and I wish you the best!

Erich Dietel